Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Pacific Time
1-(858) 689-6988
Pacific Time
25x TAE solution, Biotechnology Grade, 1LTris-Acetate-EDTA - 25X Liquid Concentrate. Composition of 1X TAE Buffer: 0.04 M Tris-Acetate, 0.001 M EDTA, Final pH 8.0. Useful for DNA Recovery and in-gel manipulations. Better resolution of large DNA fragments. Useful for > 12kb DNA Separations. Low buffering capacity. Buffer Re-circulation may be required. Low ionic strength. 1.6L can prepare 40L of 1X TAE solution
8540 Production Ave. Suit A,
San Diego 92121 USA
Phone: (858) 689-6988
Fax: (858) 225-0288