Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Pacific Time
1-(858) 689-6988
Pacific Time
Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase, 5U/ul, 10,000U including 10ml of 50mM MgCl2 and 20ml of 10x reaction buffer
BioPioneer Taq DNA polymerase is a highly purified thermostable DNApolymerase offering very high yield over a wide range of PCR templates, and isthe ideal choice for most assays. Taq DNA polymerase is a robust preparation and consistentlydelivers high yields with minimal background. BioPioneer Taq possesses 5’-3’exonuclease activity and leaves an ‘A’ overhang such that the PCR product issuitable for effective integration into TA cloning vectors.
8540 Production Ave. Suit A,
San Diego 92121 USA
Phone: (858) 689-6988
Fax: (858) 225-0288